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How to add second line in Excel cell

add second line in Excel cell

When you type a long sentence in a single cell in Excel, you might think about how to add second line in Excel cell. Maybe you are looking for a solution on how to put multiple lines in Excel cell. Every time you type any text in a cell it only shows in a single line though you increase the row height, no worries today I will show you how to add second line in Excel cell.

Like Microsoft Word, ENTER do not work to add second line, In Microsoft Excel, ENTER means end cell editing.

Identify the problem

Look at the image above. Cell width is too long than expected. if you increase the row height and reduce the column width still, it does not work. See the image below

No worries, I will guide you on How to add second line in Excel cell.

Read More: How to sum up using Excel; SUM Function explained.

How to add second line in Excel cell

Say, you want to start a new line after Street, City, Zip code.

Place your cursor after Street Address in the cell and press Alt+Enter, a new line will start.

See what it looks like now.

Another Way to add multiple lines in Excell

There is another way to add multiple lines in a cell.

Wrap text will adjust your text as per cell width and height. You will not have control over where you need to add a second line.

You can also use this tool with a single click also. Go to the Home menu> Wrap Text to change the overwriting text string to multiple lines.

I hope, you are now able to add second line in Excel cell. If you have any more queries, please comment in the comment box. I will try to answer your question to the best of my knowledge.

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